Application Submission

Deadline to submit application: Application materials must be received by Thursday, June 15th at 4pm (PST). Application materials must be emailed to Late or incomplete submissions will not be eligible. Hardcopy applications will not be accepted.

Email subject line: Please make sure to include the applicant organization name in the email subject line.

Email #1 (required): Submit Application & Attachments

Attach the following application materials as PDF files (labeled numerically as listed):

  1. Application pages 1–6 and a detailed project budget.

  2. IRS determination letter establishing the applicant organization’s nonprofit 501c3 status.

    If a fiscal sponsor is the applicant, in addition to its IRS letter, please include a short description of the partnership with the fiscal sponsor as it relates to the commissioned work.

  3. List of key artistic and administrative team involved in the proposed project. Please include brief bios.

  4. Staff & Board list.

  5. Balance sheet and profit & loss statement for the last two completed fiscal years.

  6. Year-to-date information: Balance sheet and profit & loss statement as of 4/30/23.

  7. Current organizational budget.

Email #2 (required): Include the Lead Artist’s Work Samples & Artistic Experiences

  1. Provide three weblinks to audio and/or video work samples totaling no more than 12-minutes of your original music. At least one of your work samples should be of a work you created in the last five years. Keep in mind that work samples should reflect your creative process or relate to the proposed project. Make sure weblinks remain active through August. Provide password if applicable.

  2. (Optional) For each audio and/or video work sample, please submit any accompanying documentation/materials that will provide further insight into your creative process. For example, if notated scores are part of your creative process, attach PDFs or include weblinks to larger files of scores corresponding to the audio or video samples you submitted.

    • Please note the following for each work sample submitted (in the body of the email):

      • Title, year of production, brief summary of the work, and mention any key collaborators.

      • For each sample, list cue start and end times. You can provide a complete work, but point the panelists to specific areas of a longer work that you would like them to review.

      • You may also include brief notes describing why the work sample is important as it relates to the proposed project or how it fits into your body of work.

  3. To help provide further insight into your creation of music, please submit a biography, a CV/resume, or a list of 5-10 artistic experiences or projects that have shaped you as a music creator.

Email #3 (optional): Include additional information for the Lead Artist

  • Include links to website, reviews, YouTube channels, or other online media that panelists may include in their review. Please be selective.

Important Note: For emails that include attachments that exceed 25MB (the maximum file size allowed via email), please email us at so we can send you a Dropbox link to upload your application materials. (You must include the email associated with a Dropbox account.) Please request this no later than Thursday, June 15th at 10am (PST).